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Book Editing Services

You've done all you can with self-editing and beta readers. Pass your manuscript off to an editor for a developmental edit, a structural assessment of the storytelling essentials.


$25 per 1,000 words

($0.025 per word)

More oomph than a traditional beta read, a Big Little Beta Read includes a full read-through of your novel and a detailed report of practical advice for self-editing your manuscript, all from a professional book editor.


$10 per 1,000 words

($0.01 per word)


Once you nail down your plot, it's time for a line edit, where we edit the grammar, syntax, word choice, and punctuation in your manuscript.


$35 per 1,000 words

($0.035 per word)

Little Guy!

Little Guy Editing copyedits everything: short stories, blog articles, role-playing games, poetry, content marketing, web copy, and more. Share your project with us!


Rates negotiable!

Little Guy Editing

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